
Latest Public Bookmarks

  1. Screenshot of Noise removal in Audacity

    Noise removal in Audacity

    Note that in the second step of the process, the 'Remove noise' button doesn't exist (at least in the Mac version) and you just click 'OK' on the 'Noise Reduction' window to start it processing.

    Saved by: Paul on 3 Jul 2014

  2. Screenshot of Clunk Click poster

    Clunk Click poster

    Saved by: Paul on 5 Jun 2014

  3. Screenshot of Sparktacus - local electricians

    Sparktacus - local electricians

    Brighton based electrical company, cover the whole of Sussex. Recommended by Martin.

    Saved by: Paul on 4 Jun 2014

  4. Screenshot of Split and merge PDF documents

    Split and merge PDF documents

    Utility to split and merge PDF documents - use it to merge the Micropreneur Academy docs in to one ebook?

    Saved by: Paul on 26 May 2014

  5. Screenshot of Recordit Fast Screencasts

    Recordit Fast Screencasts

    Utility to record screencasts as GIFs

    Saved by: Paul on 26 May 2014

  6. Screenshot of Gallery of Monaco F1 pictures

    Gallery of Monaco F1 pictures

    Saved by: Paul on 21 May 2014

  7. Screenshot of Christian Fromentin

    Christian Fromentin

    Samples of music by an excellent violinist that I saw play in the New Sussex Hotel.

    Saved by: Paul on 9 May 2014

  8. Screenshot of Seth Godin: Startup School

    Seth Godin: Startup School

    Recordings of a day long event with Seth Godin on being self employed and starting a 'startup' business.

    Saved by: Paul on 9 May 2014

  9. Screenshot of Holiday in the warm South of France climate any time of year

    Holiday in the warm South of France climate any time of year

    Looks like an amazing place to stay. Space for parents should we want to take them. Will have to search out what's on in the area and contact them about prices.

    Saved by: Paul on 7 May 2014

  10. Screenshot of Listing ColdFusion Scheduled Tasks

    Listing ColdFusion Scheduled Tasks

    Useful for pre-CF 10, apparently CF10 has a 'list' facility within the scheduling tasks functions.

    Saved by: Paul on 4 Apr 2014